Love to sing

Nowadays, I am totally fall in love with JJ's old songs. especially, ZhiDuiNiShuo. Awww... this song is so sweet, and i wish that it could be a day, the one loves me will sing that song for me. Of course I know, JJ did it! He sang that for me.

I non stop singing that song during the lesson, finally today I asked Susu. How do you feel about this song. She came out with the word, I feel like MaMaDei lo. Okayyy... Dont misunderstand, PLS do continue to read about what i posted.

I never say I have a good voice, good singing skill. Whee... So, I accept the critics. But, I dont want a critic that is quite... I want to know WHY. But, never mind, since I cant get the answer from my best friend, then i will get it from my future singing teacher. HeeHee...

Yea, the main theme of my blog: I want to SHOW OFF, I am going to find a teacher to teach me HOW TO SING. It was so amazing, and I would like to be the one good in singing, dancing and playing music instruments.

Today Pin Chi Kin asked me: Shu Hwei, will you take part in singing competition organized by CHOIR? My first OS: OMG~! Why did he asked so? Is it he listened what i sang during the lesson? Oh~ His seat is just BESIDE me, that's why. When i answered, NOPE, not going to take part. He used a question markS' face to look at me, Jun Hong also looked at me.

I just told him, dont MEMPERSIASUIKAN DIRI, that means, I am a girl have ZiZhiZhiMing. in other word, I am a shy girl, maybe AUTISM?

Anyway, I dare not to sing before I learn, I know I dont have a good voice, good singing skill, so, i give up the chances provided on TODAY. And, I Would not be REGRET!

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