
Yea, this is me. Yet, I have to told you guys that i bought the first DSLR of my life. You know? My heart was with the DOUBLE emotions during I pay. RM2990, flew away just because of that, But, i am happy with I am going to have my LOVELY camera in life.

I would like to talk about my result in this blog post, that's why i chosen this photo as " one picture say a thousand word". My result, DAMN POOR. I know, it is because of i didnt put any effort on this exam. So, i swear to work much more harder la.

BM- 68%
BI- 73%
BC- 64%
MM- 84%
MT- 84%
PM- 53%
SJ- 47%
BO- 55%
FZ- 64%
KM- 42%

OMG, My chemistry and History FAILED! Just like kidney FAILURE. Hahaha... Well, I got 28th in my class. Suck, but just like what I expected. Luckily, I didnt got 30 and above. If it happened, I am sure, the tears will drop!

So, Jino, You should work harder d! Gambateh!!!

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