Daddy. I miss you

I am really hurt,
inside your heart there has no any spaces left for me.
always Derick here and Derick there,
Do I still important for you?
I am really jealous about him,
How can he just snatch you away from me?
I don't even know who is him,
and i just be left behind.

Wanna go shopping?
ans: wait derick comes first.
Wanna do something?
ans: wait derick comes first.
I wanna buy shoes, my shoes are broken.
ans: wait derick comes first

Do I still important inside your heart?
Nope, I dont think so.
I've been left behind,
I am alone,
alone in this world,
Derick is everything,
and I am nothing.

I miss my daddy,
daddy is the only person would not left me behind in the darkness.
I miss you.
am alone.
could you try to bring me back,
I want to back to you.

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