BeanBag in TGV

Yes, I tried that in TGV 1st Avenue. For me, I didnt like it very much as everyone said that how nice it is. I would rather bring my own bed to cinema for movie compared to beanbag. I paid RM15 to torture myself.

You'll have to peng lai peng ki because when you lay on the bean bag for a long time you will feel like jin jiat zuak.

For some moments, I really wished that I could sit straight for the movie. Oh yea, forgot to mention that I went there with Jin Hui, and the movie we watched is THE VOW. Well, The Vow is really an amazing movie, but I really dont like the bean bag. It really doesnt mean that the more you pay to the cinema the more you enjoy!

Well, back to the topic. I wished to sit straight but I worried that the person behind me will throw his or her popcorn on my head because I blocked his view. xD That's why I didnt do that. LOL!

Anyway, you guys should go to try it if you never experience it before. Try at least once in your life, you will know how to answer while others say on it.

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Wonderful Life

Happy had been go to Alor Setar for 2 days. How does he feels right now? Sad, lonely or ... ? He never meet his parents, he has been brought here since he was born. Dogs have feeling too, how do you feel when you are brought to another family and grow up there? Bla, bla, bla.... But now, the family adopted him just want to give him away. Its too tired to take good care of him, he just simply loves to shit every where, run like very rush, and always knock this and knock that. I wonder does his head feels pain when he knocked here and knocked there. Even he doesnt feel the pain, I can still feel that on behalf of him.

Guess what? I went there and I was so lucky! I got to see the sport news reporter there! So, I non stop taking his photo! Because, I want to show off when I am back. Well, I forgot about this, and then my sis copy all the photo from my DSLR's memory card to my pen drive then suddenly I remember about it.

What you know? The last day in New York, My Erick Daddy brought me to the Italian Restaurant which located in little Italy. Then i ordered a seafood pasta.... Awww... Do you see the lobster? Well, it was a luxury lunch. This seafood pasta cost $30.00++.

22nd March, SPM's result release and yet Sook, Snoopy and I went to Guan Yin temple which located in Georgetown. Of course we went there for praying and yet I have some photo shooting there. But not satisfied with the photo's quality. Got to practice my photography skill harder... If not, I spent Rm3000 for my 600D is considering a waste.

After praying in Kuan Yin's temple we went to 1st Avenue. We went to Master Choo for our lunch then we go for RedBox. xD.

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