I create my day by myself

Hey guys, I am back again. Seriously, exam just 2 weeks left. Yet, I got my ranking of the first term exam. I dont know what should i talk bout such kind of result, but it was damn disappointing me. T^T. Well, it is expected, so Cheer.

Finally I know, I am not good enough. Do you remember as i said, in F3 I was TOP 5? Did i mentioned that I was in the third class that time? Till now I am still Top 5 in the third class, but in the second class ( my current class), I am in 28th!!! Can I know what is going on?

Well, I watched RIO today with my elder sis as i promised her yesterday. Actually we wanted to watch HOP, but the time was not suit to us. Seriously, I wanted to watch Never say never, but my sis wanted to watch CARTOON! Ishhh... No choice, I have to go with her.

The RIO damn stupid but CUTE. Seriously, while i am walking into the cinema, the feeling was so scary. The cinema so big, so dark, so quiet and there is only 4 person inside the cinema! Total up 11 ppls inside the cinema for watching this stupid cartoon.

RIO, just like a normal love story. The difference between RIO and the normal love story is RIO much more stupid lurh. But still CUTE!!

After movie, we went to 1st Avenue to have a cup of chatime! Seriously, I am fall in love with CHATIME. For me, Cool Blog already consider as OUTDATED! Not enough healthy, Not enough standard.

After that, we went to Bread History to buy 2 slides of cake, then, meet up with my aunt. Then we went to LAm CHa Na ( a street that full with book store) to look for F4 Biology Text book! Well, we couldnt find the booked wanted at there. Then, we went to tan mark which is located at Pulau Tikus. Finally, I got it!!

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