Visa Application

The first day I reached KL it was already 11pm. Uncle Kim Choon brought us to eat bak kut teh which is in dry. Although it may not taste like super nice, it was still tasting great! After having our supper, we went back to Uncle Kim Choon's house to sleep. Tomorrow will be the BIG day for aunty Michelle and I, both of us couldn't sleep tight, the feeling of nervous was sleeping with us for the whole night. Anyway, I dreamed about we were success for our visa application.

The next morning, uncle Kim Choon drove us to US embassy for the interview. While taking turn to get into the embassy, I was so nervous, feeling that my heart was going to pump out of my mouth. We went through the security check and walked for a short distance to the office, the feeling still wasn't great, I was still being nervous.

After getting our number, we sat in the visitor room. The embassy was so crowded. While waiting, I noticed that not much people be successful for the visa application, it made me feeling more nervous. Finally our number is announced and I thought finally its our turn to be interviewed. Unfortunately, when we went into the office, it was just handing up our appointment letter and other documents. How time flies, our number is then announced again, but it was still not the time for interview. We went to counter number 3 and has our finger print. The officer couldn't get my finger print on my right hand side, xD.

While waiting for our turn to be interviewed, I noticed a handsome officer in counter 8. xD, not bad looking, thumb up!

Time flies again and finally our number is announced. Now, we can go for interview. Its quite lucky, because we can interview by the young and handsome officer. "Number 66, counter 8". At the starting, aunt Michelle was the only one answering questions asked by the officer and I was just being quiet and standing beside my aunt. Finally, the officer asked me questions and I was don't know what was he asking because of his soft voice.

After that, I don't know what to answer anymore, my aunt quickly hand up my documents to the officer and the officer kept asking me a lot of questions and just ignored of my aunt. Finally, Our visa application is approved. Now, I can go to US! To the officer, I LOVE YOU! xD...

I joked with my family, I told them our visa application is success because that I am CUTE! xD. The officer ignored my aunt because she is no longer cute anymore. xP

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