Graduate Girl

I am going to graduate from SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian. I don't know how to express the feeling right now. The school I hate, has turned into the school I love. 5 years of secondary life in Chung Hwa Confucian, gave me a lot of memories with friends and teachers.

I am still remember that the first day I went into SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian, I dont even dare to go toilet alone. Because my brother told me that his friends met GHOST in the school toilet. Oh My God~ I am afraid of that thing... T^T

That time I thought that primary school is still the BEST, cause inside SRJK(C) Chung Hwa Confucian has no GHOST. Childish right?? xD But this is how a kid thinks!

Time flies, now i dare to go toilet alone, because there is no GHOST in this world. Anyway, this is not the main point of loving the school when I am going to graduate from this school. But, all my friends and teachers. Some teachers and friends may not like me, I know. But, still lot of people loving me, thats why I am still in love with this school.

Form 3, being a president of Leo Club. From a girl who does not dare to talk with public change into an active member in LEO, even Lion Richard also said so. =) The advantages of being part of LEO FAMILY. Well, this club gave me a lot of happiness but it does still gave me a lot of sadness. Deeply, disappointed with myself for the failure leadership. Will try to improve myself in the future to be a better and more qualify leader.

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