30/10/2012 daily life style

Went back to Chung Hwa on today,
met a lot of teachers.
Lee Ee Koon,
she asked us why were we here,
I told her that we dropped form 6,
she smile,
continued to talk.
After that,
She asked us the same thing again,
I replied with the same answer,
she shocked.

Pn Lee,
concerned us,
Dont wanna continue form 6?
dont wanna sit for STPM?
How to get those application form?
and etc.

Pn Tin,
My Bio teacher.
She requested to see my result,
she said that I am actually good in History.
I told her that I usually failed my History,
and I didnt know why an A came out on my result slip,
its unexpected,
she socked.

then we went to counseling room,
to ask Pn Lee about the documents needed to submit to UTAR.
she counseled us for awhile.
I knew that my choice is right,
and I knew that dream to US is far away for me.
I am actually giving up to step into US's uni.
No more dreaming,
Maybe UK?

After that we went to office to look for Mr khor to certify our documents,
but he is not in,
then we went to another room to look for Mr Yeoh,
Ah su knocked the door,
then we opened the door,
we saw Mr Khor was there too!
and then we closed the door and discussed about bla bla bla,
they were having meeting,
with Mr song, Mr Khaw and whoever i dont ever remember.
then Mr yeoh was so nice,
he asked us what happened,
and we told him that actually we were just looking for him to certify our documents,
then he certified them for us,
Mr Yeoh is always an awesomer...
Mr Khor was there,
actually he was just ignored 3 of us,
until i said bye bye to Mr Song,
Mr song asked me when am I leaving,
I told him,
he laughed and then suddenly,
Mr Khor knew that we are giving up Form 6 and leaving to UTAR,
so he questioned us some answers and we answered him.
They asked,
Dont we feel like wasted?
I said,
better than struggle here for one more year.
They laughed,
But i dont think that my reply was funny and actually I do take it serious.

after that,
I drove like a boss to TESCO,
we went there for buying stamps and wang pos.

we bought stamps,
pasted stamps,
back home,
went out again,
was having lunch with my grandmother,
relatives at zento,
then went to Gurney,
bought my brother a birthday present,
bought pretzel,
bought mochi,
back home,
did some house works,
bath again,
Astro garden,
astro on demand,
astro garden,
felt lonely,
and then now,
going back to astro garden,
after that,
read the summary about the drama,
astro garden again,

this is what life means to me.

i am actually going to work on the day after tomorrow.
Enjoy the last 2 days!

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BeanBag in TGV

Yes, I tried that in TGV 1st Avenue. For me, I didnt like it very much as everyone said that how nice it is. I would rather bring my own bed to cinema for movie compared to beanbag. I paid RM15 to torture myself.

You'll have to peng lai peng ki because when you lay on the bean bag for a long time you will feel like jin jiat zuak.

For some moments, I really wished that I could sit straight for the movie. Oh yea, forgot to mention that I went there with Jin Hui, and the movie we watched is THE VOW. Well, The Vow is really an amazing movie, but I really dont like the bean bag. It really doesnt mean that the more you pay to the cinema the more you enjoy!

Well, back to the topic. I wished to sit straight but I worried that the person behind me will throw his or her popcorn on my head because I blocked his view. xD That's why I didnt do that. LOL!

Anyway, you guys should go to try it if you never experience it before. Try at least once in your life, you will know how to answer while others say on it.

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Wonderful Life

Happy had been go to Alor Setar for 2 days. How does he feels right now? Sad, lonely or ... ? He never meet his parents, he has been brought here since he was born. Dogs have feeling too, how do you feel when you are brought to another family and grow up there? Bla, bla, bla.... But now, the family adopted him just want to give him away. Its too tired to take good care of him, he just simply loves to shit every where, run like very rush, and always knock this and knock that. I wonder does his head feels pain when he knocked here and knocked there. Even he doesnt feel the pain, I can still feel that on behalf of him.

Guess what? I went there and I was so lucky! I got to see the sport news reporter there! So, I non stop taking his photo! Because, I want to show off when I am back. Well, I forgot about this, and then my sis copy all the photo from my DSLR's memory card to my pen drive then suddenly I remember about it.

What you know? The last day in New York, My Erick Daddy brought me to the Italian Restaurant which located in little Italy. Then i ordered a seafood pasta.... Awww... Do you see the lobster? Well, it was a luxury lunch. This seafood pasta cost $30.00++.

22nd March, SPM's result release and yet Sook, Snoopy and I went to Guan Yin temple which located in Georgetown. Of course we went there for praying and yet I have some photo shooting there. But not satisfied with the photo's quality. Got to practice my photography skill harder... If not, I spent Rm3000 for my 600D is considering a waste.

After praying in Kuan Yin's temple we went to 1st Avenue. We went to Master Choo for our lunch then we go for RedBox. xD.

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My NEW THEME on 2012! I finally found my own theme to make myself live stronger than before! The picture above is the fight between 2 cute Polar bears. I know, I am always as cute as Polar bear, so I use their picture for a brand new Me!

My theme for 2012 is FIGHT. FIGHT for my dream, FIGHT for my future.

Jino,  please read this again and again when you are upset. Fighting~~!! You rock yourself!

Believe on yourself, you can always create an amazing future for yourself.

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I am really feeling so bad after i got my result for SPM,
this is not what i expect and i dont want it.
can i reject?

If times could go back once again,
I would really pay much effort on SPM.
Of course,
there is no longer any 2nd chance for me.

I disappointed myself,
I disappointed my teachers and family.
The moment my maths teacher ask me about result,
I almost drop my tears,
I knew she must be so disappointed.
but myself too.

damn myself,
i really dont know what am actually nervous for while i was sitting for the maths paper.
I am so uselesssssssssss....
if i could really go back,
I will not nervous anymore!

sorry everyone who is disappoint you.
myself also wasnt feeling great.

I really need to improve my ENGLISH!
damn stupid B for my ENGLISH!!

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Trip to USA and Canada 1

Soon, I am going back to Penang, Malaysia after my 2 and the half months vacations in United State. During this trip, I went to a lot places in United State! Better don't ask me where did I been to, I almost forgotten all. Let's recall where did I been to together with me. 

First, Departure from Penang International Airport, Malaysia. 

Jin Hui, Auntie Mei Lean, Mabel, Grandma, Myself, Raymin, Baby ( Uncle Barlog's), Auntie Hydran, Auntie, Father, Ming Ming, and Uncle Kim Choon. They were there to say goodbye!! Not following me to US! =( I cried when I step into the immigration! I knew that I will miss my Mui Mui so much and I dont even know how do i gonna survive without my grandma for two and the half months! Ishhhhhh... I knew I am stupid, I should know that My Janet Mummy and Erick Daddy will take good care of me while I am in New York!

The first day we arrive at New York City, My Janet mummy cooked me abalone congee ( In Malaysia we usually call congee as porridge), and then we enjoy the lobster. Hehe, the man above is my Erick Daddy, He is really a nice daddy and a wonderful daddy, of course also a lovely daddy that i ever had! ( Of course I am not saying my Kim Seng daddy is not good enough, every daddy in my life is good and awesome! I Love them so much!). 

This is me, my first day in New York City! Look, I am still not that fat on my first day, and now, I am super super fat. Good job! =((

The second day, we went to New York City Tour and yet we went to wall street having a photo shooting on the Bull. Oh My God, sorry for the low quality photo, I don't know about shuttle speed and f number before meeting that photographer gor gor. 

The view of New York City, we were on the way to have a look on Statue of Liberty. Ish... sorry to tell you that, I didnt get to meet up with statue of liberty due to I was suffering sea sick on that time! 

Then, we went to wax museum. Guess who is this, guess it yourself! 

We went to corning glass museum, and then was continue our trip to Niagara Fall. World seven wonders? Awwwww... Let me tell you how awesome the Niagara Falls are, They are totally AWESOME!

The night view of Niagara Falls, view from US! Soon let me show you the view of Niagara Falls from Canada, The view of Niagara Falls from Canada was much more nicer than the view from US! Really, trust me!

This is the Niagara Falls' view from Canada, Awwwwwwwwwesome! 

Canada was snowing when I was there! Yet, New York just has a little snow on this year, I want 10 inches snow! 

Visited Olympic Stadium in Canada! Awwww... I love the stadium so much although there is nothing there. Visited a lot places in Canada too, Skylon, CN tower, University of Toronto, and whatever dot dot places that I've forgotten. 

========== TBC===============

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I want

Forgotten which website did I visited to,
The website stated that
It is a kind of HIPHOP lifestyle?

I wish that I could step into any University that located in USA,
wherever also fine,
as long as it's a Uni that can let me finish my Uni life there.
Malaysia Uni is no longer my dream Uni anymore =P,
KeYin found me a Uni that provide nutrition major for me,
But I dont think that I could make it on this year.
Daddy wants me to study F6,
and I think that i should have a further discuss with my counselling teaching in school.
Maybe they could provide me a better choice?
Perhaps it will do.

The only pathway to get into Malaysia Uni.

From the starting,
I dont think that I will gain any opportunity to study oversea,
I dont even want to consider about it.
But now,
I know that it will happens if I tried!
Never Try Never Know!

Let me say about what do I want in my future life.
- Get into US's Uni
- Graduate with good result
- Study master
- Study PHD
- Get a better life
- Buy a condominium
- Travel ( Cruise is included!)

Daddy said that I will never go back once I study in US,
this is what I want.
Oh Yea,
Since you want me to study F6,
I will do it!
But you have to promise,
Send me to US if I got a good result!
I swear,
I will try my uppermost best to get good result during F6!

Please do take note,
say no to HANGING OUT! 

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You have been changed
or I have been spoiled?
You said,
I have been spoiled。
do you know what is the actual answer?
After his appearance,
I am no longer your lovely niece.
You said you love me,
But you just proof it to me by caring him more than me.
What you said,
is just a kind of BULL SHIT!
I don't ever trust it anymore.

He had such quiet eyes,
She never realize,
There were two pools of lies,
layered with thinnest ice.

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Daddy. I miss you

I am really hurt,
inside your heart there has no any spaces left for me.
always Derick here and Derick there,
Do I still important for you?
I am really jealous about him,
How can he just snatch you away from me?
I don't even know who is him,
and i just be left behind.

Wanna go shopping?
ans: wait derick comes first.
Wanna do something?
ans: wait derick comes first.
I wanna buy shoes, my shoes are broken.
ans: wait derick comes first

Do I still important inside your heart?
Nope, I dont think so.
I've been left behind,
I am alone,
alone in this world,
Derick is everything,
and I am nothing.

I miss my daddy,
daddy is the only person would not left me behind in the darkness.
I miss you.
am alone.
could you try to bring me back,
I want to back to you.

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I am happy,
found a song that can recall all my memories during the freestyle cruise.
I'm actually wonder,
do we able to meet on my next cruising?
how long it gonna take time?
It's too long.
everything got to be end up RIGHT NOW.
Forget about the towel,
Forget about the Hello and Hi,
Forget about the Hug,
Forget about the SMILE.

I miss NCL cruise,
I miss the warmth they gave to their passengers,
Although the food in Garden Cafe are same EVERYDAY,
The cruise is still NICE.

I'm really touch on the last 2 days.
All the staffs get onto the STARDUST's stage,
It's really look like a kind of farewell,
and my tears almost drop off because I knew that I am not going back the cruise for a long time.

Guess what,
I can just recall all my memories by songs played during the cruise,
I can just recall all my memories by having a view on those photo i taken.

I miss cruise,
I will be back,
one day.

I miss the world class entertainments in STARDUST,
I miss all the friendly smile given by the staffs.

Norwegian Gem,

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